First Church of Christ
Please join us on Sunday, February 2nd, for worship, Commnion and Coffee Hour. We will continue our sock collection and Souper Bowl Sunday soup collection. Knitters and crocheters are still needed for prayer shawls. Thank you to all who support our many missions.
Our HB Book Club will meet this Friday, February 7th, at 12:00 pm.
We will receive new members on Sunday, February 9th. If you are not a member and would like more information, or to become one, please speak with Pastor Antonio.
First Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC
830 Corbin Avenue
New Britain, CT 06052
Contact us at
MISSION STATEMENT: First Church is a community of faith that is rooted and grounded in God’s love for all people. Affirming the teachings of Jesus Christ, we seek to provide a caring and open environment where diversity is welcome and all are respected as children of God. We support and encourage one another to live our faith through service to others.